While I can appreciate the merit of reaching as many people as possible, I choose to work with a limited number of clients at a time, in one-on-one or small group coaching settings, which allows me to offer support in more depth and my full hearted presence for maximum results.

Aside English, I am also happy to serve clients in Portuguese and Spanish languages.

Please contact me to schedule a free consultation to explore how I can be of support to you based on your specific needs and goals as a leader in service of your family.

Coaching is a process of personal development focused on:

  • designing very specific short and long term goals;
  • understanding the interconnectedness between each individual’s thoughts, beliefs, emotions and behaviors; and
  • developing the intra and inter personal skills that will help them achieve their goals. 

While it includes profound self-investigation and self-reflection, often generating experiences of therapeutical nature, it is not therapy per se. Past experiences are used as reference to design future decisions and conscious behavioural changes.

When appropriate, I will refer entrusted colleagues who are licensed psychotherapists and other professionals with different expertise, based on individual needs of each client. When of the interest of clients, I often work in collaboration with such professionals, whether referred by me or not, in a holistic approach that can best support clients’ needs and goals, with coherence and cohesion of efforts.

Please know that coaching services are not covered by insurance.


Parenting Coaching

Family Conflict Coaching

Life Coaching for Youth


Collaborative Communication

Parenting with Confidence